Roeland de Bruin promoveert op Europese regelgeving omtrent autonome voertuigen
Afgelopen vrijdag is Roeland de Bruin gepromoveerd aan de Universiteit Utrecht op het onderwerp van autonome voertuigen en de Europese regelgeving daaromtrent.
Het proefschrift Regulating Innovation of Autonomous Vehicles: Improving Liability & Privacy in Europe is verkrijgbaar bij de boekhandel, en
A future where autonomous vehicles drive on the European roads is promising in many ways. For example, road safety, congestion and our environment could benefit from innovation and the large-scale rollout of autonomous vehicles (AVs). However, regulation is often stated to form an obstruction for innovation and societal acceptance of AVs. That hypothesis plays a key role in this research, in which interrelations are investigated between the regulation of product- and traffic liability and personal data protection on the one hand, and innovation and acceptance of AVs on the other. Three routes are sketched towards factor improvement. The ultimate goal should be to improve the factors within the respective legal frameworks. In order to reach that tenable solution, it is recommended that in parallel a “bottom-up” approach is followed, through the introduction of binding industry codes of conduct for innovators, and the regulation of mandatory no-fault insurance that should lead to the compensation of damages of victims of AV-related accidents.