Riksdag: Opinie kostenreductie high-speed electronic communication network
Reasoned opinion by the Swedish Parliament on the proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on measures to reduce the cost of deploying high-speed electronic communications networks, COM(2013)0147 - C7-0082/2013 - 2013/0080(COD)
Telecom. The Riksdag considers that the measures proposed in the Commission proposal are necessary at the level of the Union to improve the conditions for the establishment and functioning of the internal market. The Riksdag can thus endorse the Commission’s assessment with respect to the subsidiarity principle. Many of the proposals in the regulation are, however, complex and the Riksdag notes that these would both affect and require changes in a number of provisions.
The government’s explanatory memorandum in response to the Commission proposal (2012/13: FPM92) identifies areas such as the Land Law (1970:994), the Law on Electronic Communications (2003:389), the Rights of Way Act (1973:1144), the Joint Facilities Act (1973:1149), the Expropriation Act (1972:719) and the Planning and Building Act (2010:900). In this context, the Riksdag questions the appropriateness of the Commission’s choice of legal instrument. A regulation is by definition directly applicable in the Member States – as noted above, however, the Commission’s proposal seems to imply the need for a number of changes to national legislation. It thus appears more appropriate to the Riksdag that the proposed EU rules take the form of a directive form rather than a regulation.
The Riksdag also considers that some elements of the proposed regulation are extensive and far-reaching, especially as regards landowners’ rights and the protection of property rights. The Riksdag believes that this may raise doubts as to whether the measures are proportionate for achieving the objectives of the proposal.