Gepubliceerd op dinsdag 2 juli 2013
IT 1218
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De potentie van cloud computing in Europa

Draft opinion of the Committee on Legal Affairs on Unleashing the Potential of Cloud Computing in Europe, 2013/2063(INI)
(...) The provision of adequate means of redress for users when it comes to cloud computing service providers is necessary, in particular in the consumer service area. Owing to jurisdictional problems, European consumers are currently in practice unlikely to be able to seek redress from the service provider. The Commission should therefore speed up the implementation of Alternative and Online Dispute Resolution and forms of collective redress in order to facilitate the solving of conflicts in this area faced by users, without putting too much additional pressure on national courts.

De Commissie Juridische zaken verzoekt de Commissie Industrie, Onderzoek en Energie de volgende suggesties - over de potentie van cloud computing in Europa - in haar  ontwerpresolutie op te nemen:

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