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Gepubliceerd op donderdag 11 november 2010
IT 150
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IT Law wiki

Al eens gekeken op IT Law wiki

"This wiki is an encyclopedia of the legal issues, cases, statutes, events, people, organizations and publications that make up the global field of information technology law (often referred to as “computer law”)."

De site bevat onder meer handige definities, maar nog veel meer.

Michael D. Scott, Professor and Director of the International IT Law Summer Program in London
Southwestern Law School en een van de trekkers van de wiki, schrijft:

"I view the wiki as having three “layers” of content. The “bottom,” and most basic, layer contains definitions of terms to which articles in the other two layers link to. The “middle” layer contains summaries of court decisions, statutes and regulations, government reports, etc. The “top” layer is articles on specific legal issues, which are linked to the articles in the other two layers. 

The biggest problem I have had is broadening the wiki to cover legal developments outside the United States. I am reaching out to global practitioners like yourself to see if you have any materials you have prepared for your own website/blog, papers for conferences, articles prepared for other publications, etc. that you might be willing to allow us to publish on the wiki. You retain all copyrights to any contributed materials and license them to us under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License 3.0 (Unported) (CC-BY-SA).

We are pleased to provide information at the bottom of each article on the source of the materials and a link to your blog or website. And, although theoretically, others can edit or add to existing articles, I keep a very tight rein on that sort of activity to insure that articles are not distorted or changed in any inappropriate way.

I would love to include articles on Dutch IT law and/or European IT law".

Natuurlijk je artikel ook aan IT en Recht sturen!