Consultatie inzake elektronische handtekening
Een erg hoge vlucht heeft de gekwalificeerde elektronische handtekening nooit genomen. Te duur en omslachtig. De Europese Commissie is nu een consultatieronde gestart inzake elektronische identificatie, authenticatie en handtekening, deadline 15 april. U vindt de questionnaire hier. "The results of this consultation will feed into the Commission's review of the existing eSignature Directive and the preparation of a planned initiative on the mutual recognition of electronic identification and authentication."
In het begeleidende persbericht zegt de Commissie:
"In order to tackle low levels of consumer and business confidence in online transactions, the European Commission is asking citizens and other interested parties how electronic signatures and electronic identification (eID) and authentication can help the development of the European Digital Single Market. Currently, difficulties in verifying people's identities and signatures are a significant factor holding back the development of the EU's online economy. Electronic signatures and electronic identification (eID) and authentication can be an important tool to enable both users and providers to rely on secure, trustworthy and easy-to-use online services but must work in all Member States to be effective. The results of this consultation will feed into the Commission's review of the existing eSignature Directive and the preparation of a planned initiative on the mutual recognition of electronic identification and authentication. Boosting e-commerce, e-business, and making it easier to undertake administrative procedures online in the Single Market are important aspects of the Digital Agenda for Europe. The online consultation runs until 15 April 2011."
Zie de website van de Europese Commisie over de digitale agenda hier.